Howie’s Substack
Howie’s Substack Podcast
My Letter From Donald Trump and the Gaza Rampage

My Letter From Donald Trump and the Gaza Rampage

My Letter From Donald Trump and the Gaza Rampage

I thought, opening the fundraising letter from Donald Trump, that this was a joke. He actually has threatened those with my views if he becomes president again. I’m one of the wild leftists (“Far-Left henchmen”), and what Trump calls part of a horde in the letter. He has said, in reflections of Nixon, that he will target us. I hope the latter is not in regard to assets, because he’s a bit weak in that respect. Happily, he calls me a “patriot” in the letter’s salutation, and I get that as I’ve always been on the side of change for the better in this society. He also calls me a “generous… conservative grassroots activist[s].” He says I need to support him to “defeat the Liberal Biden Democrats and their wealthy Far-Left allies.” Wow! Donald, I don’t support Joe Biden and I wouldn’t support you if hell froze over twice amid environmental catastrophes. He, Trump, writes that “Democratic cronies ruin our nation with their Marxist schemes.”

Trump’s missive came with three “commitment” tear-away squares for June, July, and June-July 2024: “Commitment to Victory Replies” complete with a credit card information section.

Here, Trump’s mistaken missive to me and Biden’s complete lack of influence and absent diplomatic effort vis-à-vis the Israeli assault on Gaza go on as if in some nightmare. Israel has crossed every line in the sand established for the treatment of civilians in a war zone. They kill with abandon and they kill lots of older men, women, and children in violation of established international law and the laws or rules of war. They, Israel, lost any claim of proportionality in attacks following the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack in Israel.

Israel attacked a school housing refugees, while stating that Hamas is using that school for cover. This deadly assault where an untold number of civilians were killed had housed about 6,000 refugees (New York Times, June 7, 2024).  In Rafah, where Biden said he didn’t see the kind of assault that would have crossed a line, Israeli tanks moved west and the bombs, including US bombs, fell (Guardian, June 7, 2024).

Here in the US when outraged protesters take to the streets to bear witness to this months-long sickening carnage, militarized police, not there to protect, often bludgeon protesters with abandon.

Howie’s Substack
Howie’s Substack Podcast
I write from the point of view of the liberal/left. As a journalist over many decades, I’ve written about issues that the mass media doesn’t, or won’t, address.