Howie’s Substack
Howie’s Substack Podcast
The Not So Greatest Show on Earth

The Not So Greatest Show on Earth

The Not So Greatest Show on Earth

Each day I read as much of both the Guardian and New York Times as possible. Today’s Times is so full of articles about the Democratic Party’s debacle that it reads like my first love in reading, Mad Magazine of the late 1950s and early 1960s.

This is what the Times editorial said about Joe Biden:

“The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant,” it said. “He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to [Trump’s] provocations. He struggled to hold [Trump] accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”

But why drop Biden if he isn’t struggling with keeping hot wars going in places like the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, and a host of other places? The weapons manufacturers are cheering.

The Times is literally littered with the Waterloo for Democrats. Or did that famous battle happen symbolically with the election of The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan in 1980 and his dismantling of the federal government after the inept presidency of Jimmy Carter? Reagan also made the nation safe for war once again. Empires are all about war and colonies and military bases, and with about 800 US military bases, there’s not much need to call these places like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine, or the Gaza Strip colonies. And besides, Israel got to the Gaza Strip before the US.

The Democrats ceased being a force for even slight changes in the quality of life for the many with the disaster of Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam War and that war’s extension into other Southeast Asian countries with between 3 and 5 million dead. There’s that word war again with the weapons manufacturers laughing all the way to the bank. They don’t even need patriotic music anymore to serenade them.

Now, some are even touting Vice President Kamala Harris for president, a person and politician who is significantly weaker than Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court, fashioned by far-right Republicans, is bringing the show down on another political farce: The judicial system of courts in the US. Jails, filled by the courts mostly through plea deals, are run by private prison companies. The Supreme Court is murdering clean water and air… women’s rights… The list goes on as the court acts as a shredding machine of government. A person in the US West won’t even be able to sleep out under bridges along with the wealthy anymore because of the judicial right-wing juggernaut at the Supreme Court.

Howie’s Substack
Howie’s Substack Podcast
I write from the point of view of the liberal/left. As a journalist over many decades, I’ve written about issues that the mass media doesn’t, or won’t, address.
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Howie Lisnoff